web site by hexeaktivitat
whats a hexeaktivitat
"hexeaktivitat" is incredibly bad fake german intended to be "witch activity". it's derived from kraftwerk's radioaktivität, though I would say that my favorite album of theirs is computerworld, which should practically be required listening for anyone working with computers.
ok but whos a hexeaktivitat
hexeaktivitat is me, tabitha. very gender trans lesbian cybernetic entity.
tell me more about this "witch activity"
"witch activity" means an awful lot. i have a wide array of interests and fascinations, which is why i ended up pursuing a career in librarianship; very rarely does a day go by in which I don't either apply some random bit of knowledge I happen to have or learn something new. I also have a heavy background in history studies, which leads to a lot of focus on historical roots of modern things; I like knowing where culture is going from what we've done previously.